General Food Supermarket w Kingston

JamaicaGeneral Food Supermarket



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134, Old Hope Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-977-9799
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 18.0185908, Longitude: -76.7671843

komentarze 5

  • Ina Vandebroek

    Ina Vandebroek


    Great variety of expensive products but a HORRIBLE customer service in the Liguanea branch. The persons sitting behind the customer service desk work against the client instead of with the client. Learn to do better!

  • C W

    C W


    Always a pleasure to shop here, remember to walk with your rewards card or sign up if you haven't. Some things are way cheaper if you can shop at Coronation market or head to Pricesmart for buying in bulk but this supermarket is great for convenience when those are not possible. Parking is usually available. Avoid going there month end or payday, everybody and dem momma in there and the aisles are a pain to get through. Any other time, it is a great experience to browse aisles and enjoy the music while you select the groceries or household items you want/need. Upstairs has a good selection of items too, I've bought a rice cooker, lunchbag, sheets and other items on different occasions. The staff is usually friendly and helpful.

  • Trevor Blair

    Trevor Blair


    The layout is excellent, as is the selection of products, and the Customer Loyalty program offers good benefits. The only complaint is the slowness of the response when the Customer Card is scanned - it can take up to 2 minutes to locate the record.

  • Sandra Passmore-Rowe

    Sandra Passmore-Rowe


    No major issues with the supermarket apart from their lack of Wi-Fi! Used to have it but for the last two months it hasn't been available. Really unfortunate as I use it to communicate and send photos of produce/goods to my sister for feedback before selecting. Hope it can be looked at as I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds it useful.

  • asitha herath

    asitha herath


    This is very crowded place specially on Saturday but everything you need and more can take in this place with cheap price than other places in Jamaica. Delicious bakery items and you can find snacks, fruit, toiletries and more. Great fresh fruits, vegetables, meats. Small restaurant inside also. We made a few trips to the grocery store during our Kingston stay. We found a nice selection of products with great prices. Vegetables and fruits were fresh and washed. Here issue is parking and crowded, even space inside the market is not enough, sometimes it is difficult to handle trolley. Better to avoid shopping on Saturday

najbliższy Supermarket

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