Shoppers Fair Supermarket(Liguanea) w Kingston

JamaicaShoppers Fair Supermarket(Liguanea)



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157, Old Hope Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-977-9568
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0192427, Longitude: -76.7626895

komentarze 5

  • Georgette Reid

    Georgette Reid


    I shop here from time to time for back up items when my local branch is out of stock, when I'm in the neighborhood. Pros The prices are reasonably and they usually have an average stock of items. The location is good. You get to earn reward points with each purchase, once you show your membership card. Cons I'm not fond of the layout . The lighting quality could be improved. Their staff is not the most friendly or polite.

  • C W

    C W


    Small supermarket for a quick shopping trip for most essentials. Layout could be better. Bought stuff before and they spoil quickly or were spoiling in the supermarket but they se to be doing better. Also near to some food places if you want a quick bite or takeout.

  • Amoy Clarke

    Amoy Clarke


    Well my experience their was great I found it very spacious however I haven't seen much of groceries packers their, so I would like to ask if there is any vacancies their cause I was calling the number I saw on Google and I can't get any answers it didn't even ring

  • denice hall-ramharrack

    denice hall-ramharrack


    It's a small shop without the huge variety of the larger stores, but it has the cosiness that comes with good customer relations. Friendly shoppers too!

  • Lady Dee

    Lady Dee


    Quaint shopping area for groceries, fruits, vegetables and personal care items. There is also a small variety of popular alcoholic beverages. Shopping isles are not very wide in comparison to other supermarkets. Parking can become congested especially on the weekends so its advisable to do tour shopping early in the daytime. The staff is friendly and helpful. Please remember to five a tip to the person assisting with taking your groceries to the car or bus stop.

najbliższy Supermarket

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