Hold A Vibz Cafe w Treasure Beach

JamaicaHold A Vibz Cafe



🕗 godziny otwarcia

main road, Treasure Beach, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-835-6610
strona internetowej: instagram.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.8866427, Longitude: -77.7671008

komentarze 5

  • Diérick Silva Sobral

    Diérick Silva Sobral


    Just awesome! Such a great calm atmosphere with super tasty lovely food served! That was a super kick-off on the day and a lovely plus on my journey! Thank you Gabi!

  • Rick Dager

    Rick Dager


    We went here twice during our stay in Treasure Beach, unfortunately they are closed a couple days a week and sometimes close a little early (understandably) so make sure to go on the days they are open. We would have eaten her every single day for breakfast if possible. I got the Bruschetta Baguette (twice) and a BLTE, both were OUTSTANDING. My girlfriend got the Omelet, which was somehow perfectly done on the outside while still being fluffy in the middle. It was on the pricier side compared to some other places but when you consider the portions and quality of food, I would consider this the best value restaurant wise in Treasure Beach. I could happily spend 5000 Jamaican dollars here every day for breakfast :)! Also the waitress/cook/owner is so sweet and will customize everything to your liking. I was very surprised and saddened to here that sometimes they only got a couple customers per day. This place is a MUST try if you are in Treasure Beach.

  • Lisa Herger

    Lisa Herger


    This Café is a really peaceful, beautiful and nice spot in Treasure Beach. The place is quiet and created with so much love and nice little details. On the menu you find sweet and savory breakfast, different sandwiches, salads, falafel pita and burger for lunch. The food is delicious and healthy. Everything is homemade and fresh. So take your time, stop there and enjoy!

  • Abby Lewis

    Abby Lewis


    This place is without a doubt the best food in treasure beach. Everything is so fresh, healthy, and creative. Definitely recommend!!

  • Sarah Todd

    Sarah Todd


    A really sweet vibe under cover or garden casual dining. Consistent and delicious always with a variety of interesting flavors and textures. Fresh 🍍🍌🍉 smoothies bonus

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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