Las Vegas Cafe w Black River

JamaicaLas Vegas Cafe



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70, Crane Road, Black River, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-399-7989
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0079121, Longitude: -77.8335398

komentarze 5

  • Nathalee Collington

    Nathalee Collington


    Delicious authentic island flavoured seafood with an unbeatable view and friendly service.

  • Sasheen Dixon

    Sasheen Dixon


    This was lovely... Nice music, speedy service and very delicious food.... Prices are reasonable... nice little hang out spot...

  • John Mathews

    John Mathews


    Mainly seafood but they did find some chicken when we asked. Not cheap. Nice location. We had the beach to ourselves. There are very nice raised, covered platforms with seating overlooking the sea. Makes a nice addition to a trip to black river

  • Andrew Gill

    Andrew Gill


    We were on our way to Treasure Beach before we decided we would rather find a place to eat in the area so we decided on Las Vegas Cafe. Incredible food, drinks and atmosphere. I had the fish escovitch with a side of bammy and it tasted absolutely fabulous, probably the best I've tasted in all of the island. My two guests had the fish soup and shrimp pasta and all of our plates and bowls were clean before we left. The food is cooked made to order after you select the fish you want cooked so keep that in mind, but you can do as I did and sip your Bob Marley while you dip your feet I the water as your food is cooked..lovely place. I will be sure to be back again.

  • Stacey B.

    Stacey B.


    OMG the food was fresh and delicious. I also loved the presentation. You can pick out your own lobster and fish, so expect a few extra minutes for fresh preparation of meal. The restaurant has multiple seating options( inside, garden view outside or ocean view outside). I believe there are benches/picnic tables along the Beach as well. I enjoyed the moonlight stroll on the beach as I waited for my meal. My next trip, I will visit in the day to take in the view in daylight!

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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