Cafe Cruz w Santa Cruz

JamaicaCafe Cruz



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Main Street, Santa Cruz, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-226-4336
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0542761, Longitude: -77.6973783

komentarze 5

  • Enette Powell

    Enette Powell


    It was good

  • Lashauntea Bailey

    Lashauntea Bailey


    The fat girl that works there has no manners, customer service is wack…. Went there and she was standing outside we were passing and her response was “sir and miss wah uno want” and I turned back immediately cause what?????

  • Khalil Kingsley

    Khalil Kingsley


    The Cafe Cruz is ideally located in the newly commissioned Fern Village Plaza. The Cafe is on the second floor of the plaza may not be friendly to those disabled with mobility . The ambience gives whistle punk urban with a splash of rustic . Air Condition room is ideal for escaping the heat in Santa Cruz. Very clean and inviting space. Initial encounter with staff is courteous, however service desipates after being served. The staff was dressed in appropriate health gears. Business could benefit if staff checks in on customers to promote products. Music may not be child friendly ( particular day of visit may be different at other encounters.) Staff may also benefit from barrister training especially with menu items like ' cappuccino or espresso'. The milkshakes are excellent as well as menu items. I ordered waffles and tenders. The bathroom may pose an issue as only one was observed.

  • Jasmine Brooks

    Jasmine Brooks


    customer service was very very poor , while you have to wait until whosoever the cashier, cash and serve before you can make your order. I wasn't please with the service at all

  • Junior Flexx

    Junior Flexx


    Nice hang out spot

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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