Jamaica Inn w Ocho Rios

JamaicaJamaica Inn



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Main Street, Ocho Rios, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 844-209-6751
strona internetowej: jamaicainn.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4138212, Longitude: -77.0782542

komentarze 5

  • Nick C

    Nick C


    Where do I begin with Jamaica Inn, the staff the amazing views the tranquility, this isn't your fast paced environment, there is no hustle and shuffle, no long lines for a buffet minimal technology, all you get is high speed WiFi, you are brought back to a simpler time, naturally friendly and helpful people who just want you to relax and enjoy your stay in the most comfortable manner. Let's begin with the food it was exceptional as a Jamaican I can appreciate the way the made my favourite dishes and introduced me to a few others, certain things change every day so there isn't too much repetition and you will be very satisfied with the taste and quality of everything, I know myself and my family were. The rooms were rustic and void of anything to distract you from rest, ventilation was good as wooden shutter windows that could be closed for privacy surrounded you, the balcony was also a great place to just relax and have some coffee or tea that was complementary or have them bring room service meals and drinks so you can truly escape in the privacy of your very comfortable rooms, and did I mention they provide umbrellas robes slippers all towels toiletries even cotton swabs to dry/clean your ears. I have to mention the staff whom I bothered all the time but they were always more than happy to help and accommodate my every wish, very special mention of Garfield the waiter and Richard Hutchinson they went out of their ways to make sure all the meals of my family and myself were perfect, Hutchinson even assisted us on the grounds to pick a few Jamaican apples, and give small insightful information on the plants and hydrophonic gardening system by the gift shop as we missed the tour for it, also special mention to Patrice who remembered our drinks and wine preferences, Makayla Shana lee and chevanese the breakfast club for us we miss you fuys already !! The beach was great and lifeguards always attentive and on the lookout, I can't swim so it made me feel a lot safer knowing I shouldnt have to worry. I definitely can't forget sweet Shadow the lovely doggo that was always a bundle of joy walking with guests and playing her face would light up every time you come to interact with her. I'm not saying this is the perfect hotel for a vacation it may not suite everyone's taste, but I will say I felt like family and I felt calm and at peace while being well fed the entire time Ps, I don't know if this has happened before some fishes in the beach, while don't hurt you, they tend to be nipple biters and it may startle you if you come across them they were medium sized and yellowish in colour and resemble a tang or angelfish in shape As for the view I'll let the pictures do the talking

  • Suz



    I stayed at the Jamaica Inn Ocho Rios in January 2024. It was recommended I go to Jamaica by my doctors. I believed that I was nearing the end of my life but I'm still here. Thank-you to the lovely owners and all the staff for Welcoming Me Home. I will return...

  • Lizette K-L

    Lizette K-L


    I cannot say enough about Jamaica Inn. This hotel was my slice of heaven during a really difficult time. From the picturesque views, to the attentive staff and well appointed rooms Jamaica Inn is sure to make your vacation a home away from home. The hotel is far from the airport and traffic gets hectic, so I definitely recommend getting to the island early if you don’t want to turn your journey to the hotel into a nightmare. But besides that, Jamaica Inn was all I expected and more. I definitely plan on coming back soon!

  • Supermed Pharmacy

    Supermed Pharmacy


    Excellent customer service! Despite being a local, I was treated with exceptional care. The food was great, and Robert dealt with us great! Anytime we are in Ocho Rios, we will definitely stop by.

  • Heather Bruce

    Heather Bruce


    The Jamaica Inn exceded our expectations. We felt like we were guests in a friends home, not hotel guests. You feel like you have walked into an elegant time capsule. Everything was perfect. We look forward to returning.

najbliższy Kwatera

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