Ocean Sands Hotel w Ocho Rios

JamaicaOcean Sands Hotel



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14, James Avenue, Ocho Rios, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1-876
strona internetowej: ocean-sands-jamaica.com.es
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4126126, Longitude: -77.1031558

komentarze 5

  • Melisa Walker

    Melisa Walker


    I visited on November 18, 2016, I was highly disappointed and embarrassed as I made my reservation online and it was for my best friend's birthday celerbration, she was so disappointed. The only fun I had was to stay in the pool the entire even while it rained, I sat on the bed it was soft and I was like literally sitting on the floor I had to be dragged up to get up, the staff was indeed friendly and all but I think the first thing Ocean Sands did was do false advertisement showing older pictures of the property.

  • Toure Ferguson

    Toure Ferguson


    Hi everyone, We'll I am going to try my best to be as honest as I possible can. When I made my reservation to stay at this place they said flexible check in flexible check out well the check in was good but the check out is based on availability which they had not mentioned when I book this room online so I was very disappointed with that although they ended up giving us 2 hours extra but that's besides the point we had to speak with the manager to get those 2 hours and I thought it would just be built in based on what I read online so be aware of that.The room was nice over looking the sea as promised but if you smoke the compound is a non smoking compound and there isn't a section created for people who smoke so that can be a problem to many because you will have to go literally on the main road if you want to smoke whatever you smoke. The cable was terrible as 3/4 of the channels weren't showing. The shower, the water wasn't coming out properly and the hot water was partially hot and partially cold not sure if all the rooms were like that but I'm just speaking for the one we were in. The part that got my wife and my self really upset was the host was no where to be found her name is Elaine. She was suppose to be there to make sure all is well and we didn't even get an email from her to let us know that she wasn't going to be there so we had to handle everything by our selfs. My wife and my self are vegetarians so my plan was to let Elaine know when we get there so she could suggest places to go but because of her absence we had to figure that out aslo by our self. The room that we got was on the 3rd floor and there is no elevator so you have to bring your luggage up the stairs which wasn't a problem but what made it a problem is that the stairs were very steep. The bed in the room was a little on the overly firm side. You have to pay $15 more if you want a/c and $20 more if you want a refrigerator and those quotes are in US dollars so by the time you add all those added things the cost will increase. 0I'm not sure if the place is worth it, you can find hotels that offer all of that and it's included in their prices already. All an all I have mixed feelings about my stay....

  • Rohan Buchanan

    Rohan Buchanan


    This place is the best I have seen outside of an all inclusive setting. I would recommend this place to anyone who wishes to chill out on the North Coast in comfort n luxury. The staff is friendly n the cost is more than affordable especially to locals. The only drawback would be that the car parking space is not big enough. 9/10.

  • Poppy M

    Poppy M


    Wonderful, incredible, friendly, knowledgeable front staff. No fridge in room, but you can keep it locked up downstairs. Doing construction while I was here but noise kept to a minimum. Super polite from the front desk to construction workers. There's a small private beach, a pool and construction for a nightclub and restaurant over the water

  • julian murphy

    julian murphy


    PLEASE PLEASE don't book with this hotel as you might turn up and theres no vacancy for you. Book this hotel for Christmas for my family and myself but on turning up we were told by the manager (Brandon) that there were no vacancies. This is after written confirmation from the manager himself and verbal communication that the rooms would be available on arrival. I even sent a family member of mine who lives in the area to look at the rooms and choose the room. On arrival in the late evening we were told that there was no vacancy and sorry for the inconvenient they have cost to us, moreover we should come back the following day to see what they could do for us. I could only sum this up as deplorable, and incompetent. This is a Hut Hell as it is NOT a 'hotel' as stated in their ad. From the little I could observe the building is in a very deplorable condition, it is very old and needs major repair work. I rate this Hut Hell (not hotel) a 1 star as a star have to be place in the star area but believe me its less than 1 star and therefore I would NOT recommend anyone to book this Hut HELL (hotel), because you may just book and find there's no vacancy for you on your arrival.

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