Sandals Royal Plantation w Ocho Rios

JamaicaSandals Royal Plantation



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Main Street, Ocho Rios, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 888-726-3257
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4122778, Longitude: -77.0820424

komentarze 5

  • Angela Romesser Hampton

    Angela Romesser Hampton


    This was our second trip to Sandals Royal Plantation. We were married there in 2018, and our recent trip back was just as amazing. The butlers take care of every detail while you are there. The resort is very intimate with only 74 rooms. My husband & I have already booked a trip back for next year. Book the trip, you will not regret it!

  • G Goose B

    G Goose B


    Beautiful vacation from start to finish! Such a friendly staff that is always eager to go the extra mile to make everything perfect. We loved the quiet location, the food, the clean comfy room, the entertainment and the beach. In other words, everything!

  • Bruce MacLeod

    Bruce MacLeod


    All Oceanfront with hearing waves at night. Service was excellent but you probably need to carry around some bills in your pocket. Coffee was good, alcohol was pushed, food was acceptable but not exceptional. Having a "butler" does not solve all your problems, for example the chairs at the beach are first come first serve so there is all that nonsense about reserving chairs with personal items. Beatrice small and self-contained so none of those long leisurely strolls along the beach. All that being said would definitely go back for the relaxing contemplative service oriented vacation.

  • Edwin _

    Edwin _


    Royal Plantations was a great resort to go and just relax. The grounds are small but still a great place. The rooms and grounds do need some TLC and from what I could see during my stay, it looks like they are doing their part to fix and upgrade the resort.

  • Amit Kahana

    Amit Kahana


    We had a lovely time at the Royal Plantation hotel, staying there for 10 days over Christmas. The staff was lovely, our butlers (Anthony and Robert) were great and overall everyone was welcoming. The food is good, as long as you stick to local cuisine. The drinks selection is also good as well as the activities. Marine life for snorkeling is a bit scarce as one probably needs to go to the Devil's Reef for diving so manage your expectations. Lastly, the hotel is a bit dated but for us it didn't matter much as we rarely spent time in our room and just stayed on the beach all day.

najbliższy Kwatera

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