The Blue House Boutique Bed & Breakfast Villa w Ocho Rios

JamaicaThe Blue House Boutique Bed & Breakfast Villa



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30 Marcliff Drive, Ocho Rios, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-822-4433
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Latitude: 18.4146991, Longitude: -77.0651452

komentarze 5

  • Dan Romano

    Dan Romano


    We only stayed for a few days, but this was one of the highlights of our trip. The whole house is surrounded by beautiful gardens filled with orchids and other flowers. The rooms were spacious and nicely appointed. And the food was outstanding! Darryl, the "barefoot chef" kept surprising us with wonderful, delicious dishes showcasing the local cuisine. I would give it 10 stars if I could!

  • Nancy D

    Nancy D


    The Blue House really is so beautiful, and sitting poolside in the gardens surrounded by orchids, teeny hummingbirds, and butterflies was a place of peacefulness. I loved the warmth of the owner Elise who greeted us into her Blue House, an incredible authentic Jamaican experience. Our meals were eaten ‘family style’, outside on the beautiful balcony. So much laughter and fun during every amazingly delicious meals by the chef Darrell, (Elise’s brother), breakfast and dinner - who works long and hard to deliver the best food you’ll find anywhere in Jamaica. I would love to return again on my next stay in Jamaica

  • cathy thompson

    cathy thompson


    Had a wonderful stay at The Blue House this past November. Still telling friends and acquaintances all about it! We were immediately made to feel at home in the delightful Cozy Cottage where we stayed and in the beautiful main house where we had phenomenal meals by Darryl and lively conversation with Elise, Darryl, and the other guests. It was a pleasure sitting on our patio or poolside among the beautiful surroundings, especially the orchids and hummingbirds. Travel to and from the airport as well as to the many fascinating sites we visited were expertly arranged by the Blue House and their driver, Patrick. Experiencing Jamaica in "The Blue House way" was a fantastic experience!

  • Mark Gardner

    Mark Gardner


    Visited The Blue House in November 2023. This place is wonderful and Elise and Darryl made us feel like family. As a matter of fact we had other guests who we found out were related distantly. We had a great time and are hoping to return soon. The food, prepared daily by Darryl, was some of the best food we've had. Thank you for your hospitality!! Lisa & Mark

  • Christine Winter

    Christine Winter


    We arrived for a week on a rainy night and it rained the next two days as well. This was NO hindrance to our enjoyment as we were perfectly comfortable eating our evening and morning meals on the covered porch. The resident hummingbirds were fascinating. The extensive well-established gardens made us feel surrounded by beauty and birdsong. The food was uniformly delicious and abundant! We had ordered the lobster special for one night and were pleasantly surprised to get SIX lobster tails plus shrimp for the two of us! The desserts were truly outstanding as well. Especially the cakes! As others have mentioned, we appreciated the taxi services of Patrick who took us to various sites for touring. My favorite activity was climbing the falls at Dunns River! We were probably the oldest to have done so. The only downside to staying here is that you can’t really walk to activities, and therefore need transportation. And it’s quite far from the airport, and was costly to get a taxi at the airport. But maybe being “out of the way” is what made it so quiet and peaceful. Our room was beautiful; the bathroom large and well stocked; and there are plenty of books on the bookshelves in the hallway and in the living room. Staying at a “house” felt so much cozier than staying at a resort. Photos are posted including one of Patrick, our driver.

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