Mega Mart w Portmore

JamaicaMega Mart



🕗 godziny otwarcia

East La, Portmore, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-988-1172
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9691504, Longitude: -76.8700135

komentarze 5

  • Sadiki Nembhard

    Sadiki Nembhard


    Fairly good options as usual with certain items. Of course I only needed Rum and knew exactly where in store it was. One (1) problem however, I got to the cashier and chose the express lane thinking that would ease the pressure of standing behind those people with massive loads. It was slow as hell! Made me think express must be their way of saying "Express your distress so we can hear you..". I was about to light it up then finally she said "your total is $12 hundred and $1 and 50 cents.

  • Hoopla Ocular

    Hoopla Ocular


    Very spacious warehouse settings, I am not a fan of the none trending products (tend to stuck unknown brands)line up stocked at times. Customer service is good. Open very late for the workaholic or the late night shopper.

  • Nikita Austin

    Nikita Austin


    24 hours the convenience is five star... variety of items. It's location is convenient. The staff are helpful.. mega Mart is good for getting things you might not be able to get at the regular super market the only thing is that it is a little on the pricey side. You go in take up a few things and go to cash and it's almost.ten grand and you ain't know go ( it might just be that we take up a few things we don't always get elsewhere and it's a ill pricey too). But If you can afford it, I recommend to you.

  • alejandro arias

    alejandro arias


    Ay de todo

  • robe martinez

    robe martinez



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