Scotia Bank Linstead w Linstead

JamaicaScotia Bank Linstead



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4XP9+GHJ, Linstead, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-985-2015
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.1363342, Longitude: -77.0311171

komentarze 5

  • Chica Bless

    Chica Bless


    Being a cashless bank now is kind of hard for the elderlies,new money cannot be lodged to the ATM machines and this is so hard for persons doing their transactions....we don't always have the fare to go into Spanish Town and this is really difficult for a lot of us...the banking system is no longer assisting in the way they use to and this is a big disappointment and so discouraging 🙁...smh! The new era of technology is really dawning on us

  • Migel Nembhard

    Migel Nembhard


    The wait time on this occasion was fairly reasonable, there wasn't a lot of people waiting to see customer rep.

  • Katherine Wheatley

    Katherine Wheatley


    Really slow -- you'd be looking too spend 3 hours in simple tasks because of the lack of organization.




    Slow and unorganized....olny go here if you have time to waste. Ive been in line for 2 hours and see people skip the line because they have a friend that works inside..very unprofessional...this is a joke....only in Jamaica. Not to mention the bogus security that they have inside the bank. Once i get inside im closing this account. I would not recommend this place to anyone.

  • Curtis Wallace

    Curtis Wallace


    Just tired a dem. Poor customer service and no accountability. Customers are not the priority here. People should take their business elsewhere.

najbliższy Bank

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