Victoria Mutual Building Society w Linstead

JamaicaVictoria Mutual Building Society



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4XV8+HJR, Linstead, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-985-2177
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.1439911, Longitude: -77.0334721

komentarze 5

  • Nancy Gordon

    Nancy Gordon


    Very poor customer service .

  • David Atkinson

    David Atkinson


    Customer service experience was excellent.

  • Shanique Byro

    Shanique Byro


    Very poor customer service. I was ask to leave and use another facility to conduct my business if I didn't want to wait because they had very long lines with one teller working. Second time in the bank was there trying to speak to a loan officer after waiting for almost 2 customer service rep told me that thr officer was busy and she will have to convince him to speak with me

  • Case Blond

    Case Blond


    I must say it hurts me to take back a good review after nine months this bank is my favourite or I should say building society all I’m going to say is pls this branch needs more tellers customers Have to air for hours im Not knocking the tellers here we the customers just wish they assist us more often more than when they feel we live for each other good customer service is key so VMBS pls assist because these workers seems to be under a lot of pressure we think the purpose of the bank is to assist us and time is money

  • Blkivory



    Depending and I use that term loosely, DEPENDING on what you need to go to the bank for you could spend as long as 3 hours to open an account, 1 hour in the queue standing and 45 minutes waiting in your seat before you join the queue 😂 and just when you think you finally reached the teller to transact your business don't be surprised if a local tells you they were waiting the queue but they were sat down (for 45 mins) don't get angry... Oh and tip the security guard, because it's security who holds the keys to the castle, if you get my drift, nudge nudge nudge wink wink say no more

najbliższy Bank

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