Bijoux i Kingston

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Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston, JM Jamaika
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-926-7449
Latitude: 18.0053762, Longitude: -76.7877039
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Kommentar 5

  • Damian Campbell

    Damian Campbell


    Great jewelry store with a wide selection. I bought a Pandora charm for my wife and the ladies were very helpful offering us several choices.

  • jillian chin

    jillian chin


    Purchased an ink blue Movado Bold in December which had hardly been worn and noticed the band has started to change color. Went to the store today to and. Was advised by the gentleman that they would not be able to honor the warranty as it is scratch. I didn't realize that a watch band which has started to change color would be categorized as scratch. Really disappointed with this establishment and can safely say will NEVER SHOP THERE AGAIN. It's unacceptablr you spend 100k on a watch to be told 5 months later they refuse to honor the warranty when it is clear the color on the band is actually faded.

  • shadekiful



    Very helpful sales associate. All in all good experience

  • Jamin Atkins

    Jamin Atkins


    A duty free shop, you need to have a ticket leaving Jamaica to make a purchase. The prices are pretty good right on manufacture suggested pricing. They offer a wide range of watches and other jewelry. They do offer spirit's and wine but when purchased, they can only be picked up at the airport. One of the only places in Kingston to pick up something shiny for a special someone.

  • Damani Brown

    Damani Brown


    Bijoux is my favourite store in Kingston. They carry authentic items (jewellery, watches, fragrances etc.). The price of the items are on par with online prices and you may even get an in store discount. The staff are knowledgeable and friendly. All around a wonderful place to shop. Plus it's duty free. So be sure to have your travel details ready.

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