Commerce Court Plaza i Kingston

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🕗 Åbningstider

Kingston, Jamaika
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-895-0362
Latitude: 18.0097228, Longitude: -76.8009728
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Kommentar 5

  • Camise Gordon-Ffolkes

    Camise Gordon-Ffolkes


    Parking unavailable

  • Romaine Dixon

    Romaine Dixon


    Other than needing a fresh coat of paint, this plaza is a great place to get almost everything,why not stop n get something to eat, have a drink, get a new hairdo, grab a fresh outfit for a hip party or if u wanna go to church u can drop by on a Saturday for sabbath. They also have a video game arcade you can take your kids there for a game of call of duty or some fifa, if you got phone or PC issues they got 2 locations you can fix em, oh someone makes furniture for your home there as well and you can find the best surge stop surge protectors you know why the manufacturers are there too. As i said before you can get almost anything here. Its a great place with great people.

  • grace mercy

    grace mercy


    It's a great place to pickup on what things

  • anthony cummings

    anthony cummings



  • Sidoney Pratt

    Sidoney Pratt


    Need to be more attractive but it's okay

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