Sun Island Factory Outlet i Kingston

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45, Molynes Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-926-1330
Latitude: 18.0151514, Longitude: -76.8073899
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Kommentar 5

  • Denise Lee

    Denise Lee


    All things place to shop for all souveniers...

  • Tavia Pinnock

    Tavia Pinnock


    Location is good but the staff needs a bit more training. The changing room needs a facelift or at least some hooks. Otherwise, they have a wide selection of quality, locally made products. It's worth a visit if you don't mind searching by yourself or having to ask for assistance.

  • Shauna-Kaye Brown

    Shauna-Kaye Brown


    My favourite outlet for Tees and promotional gears. Their customer service is amazing. The customer definitely comes first.

  • Kathy-Ann Robinson

    Kathy-Ann Robinson


    I've almost always had a good experience. The stock in the onsite store is more varied than at the outlets, but sometimes they run out of some of the smaller sizes and in the more popular colors. I've gotten them to do embroidery on clothing items many times and they always do a good job. It takes a few days though.

  • Michelle Ho Young

    Michelle Ho Young


    Love the location and layout of the store. good quality products and great customer service

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