Maxie Department Stores i Kingston

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19, Constant Spring Road, P.O., Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-906-1939
Latitude: 18.015059, Longitude: -76.7979527
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Kommentar 5

  • Nicholas Duncan

    Nicholas Duncan


    Now this is a store where you can get all your clothing and most of you household decor.

  • Kadian Kong

    Kadian Kong


    Wide variety of merchandise. You can get clothes, shoes, bags, undergarments and household items

  • Sandra Crawford

    Sandra Crawford


    The store has a nice variety of household goods, women's and men's clothing and accessories and children's clothes. They also carry make-up and costume jewellery. Prices are reasonable and the staff is attentive.

  • Gerard Genus

    Gerard Genus


    One of the few places that still sells clothes for people of different tastes and sizes. Their prices are within reason.

  • Chrissy D

    Chrissy D


    Helpful, pleasant and knowledgeable Sales Assistants, the Management is also willing to lend a hand. They will source for you items they are out of in a partivular size. The offering in this store about decent, and there are quality items avilable at a reasonable cost. The variety in the store is great: nice clothing for male and female, cute bags, decent shoes, a makeup counter, and bonus - a home decor section. One downside is that a group requiring similar items, such as office wear, may have a challenge with quantities and sizes. Once you are able to wait though, additional items could be sourced.

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