Sovereign On The Boulevard i Kingston

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

Molynes Gardens, Kingston, Jamaika
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-969-3333
Latitude: 18.0283312, Longitude: -76.8131681
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Kommentar 5

  • JoWayne McFarlane

    JoWayne McFarlane


    Just a convenient stop if you're looking for a supermarket/pharmacy. Location also has a drive through scotia bank ATM.

  • S Val

    S Val


    The supermarket is very spacious and comfortable. Fairly good customer service. Wide range of products even some that have difficulty finding elsewhere. Great parking

  • Alex Lawrence

    Alex Lawrence


    Great shopping experience. A wide variety of items. Good customer service representatives.

  • Eleanor Taylor

    Eleanor Taylor


    On arrival, I was given a parking ticket by the security guard who is always courteous. Parking is adequate. The places I went to, the staff were friendly and very polite.

  • Rasheeda Campbell

    Rasheeda Campbell


    Always sufficient parking. They could consider adding another food establishment there. Good for a quick pick up of an item @ the supermarket too.

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