Casa Medical Center w Ocho Rios

JamaicaCasa Medical Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Brownie Street, Content Gardens, Ocho Rios, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-974-8228
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4114751, Longitude: -77.0779519

komentarze 5

  • Lois Small

    Lois Small


    I went there because I was not feeling well and I got a full check up, urine, sugar blood check, oxygen level, the service was tremendous. I will recommend my family and friends to this medical centre.

  • Sonya Barriffe

    Sonya Barriffe


    This place is decent for quick stay. I would have like more breakfast options and not have to decide on a local or continental daily. The not so pleasant part was that the internet was down every day of our 4 day stay. The last night, the internet was down in the evening until the next day, not allowing for us to check in online for our flight out. The first day, we could not get hot water for our showers, but because we had to change rooms the next day due to a water leakage problem, we were able to get warm water the next day. The staff was friendly. One morning our breakfast was put in wrong and there was no way to accommodate the error, we had to eat what was prepared or go without breakfast for the day. My husband is born and raised Jamaican and comes every year. If you don’t mind these inconveniences, this is a decent place to stay. It would have been nice to have been offered a discount for the inconveniences mentioned and it is for these reasons, we cannot recommend the stay to others

  • Joeette Benjamin

    Joeette Benjamin


    Amazing place to stay! Beautiful property, spotlessly clean,comfortable bed. Housekeeping kept the room spotless every day. The authentic Jamaican breakfast was wonderful. Ms Suzzette is a concierge of the highest class. She saw to all my needs. Quiet area of Ocho Rios.

  • Sheree “Shersher” Cou

    Sheree “Shersher” Cou


    So the breakfast was really good as advertised. However there were alot of issues; i stayed in room 103, the water heater was not working at all, the bed felt like a sofa so it was practically two sofa chairs pushed together for me and my partner to sleep on and there wasnt a flat screen tv in the room, there was a tiny analoge tv in the room. The ceiling fan does not work either.

  • Katrice Falconer

    Katrice Falconer


    The staff is very nice and friendly and the breakfast was very good..... the room on the other hand needs work the beds were uncomfortable... The location wasn't nearby anything...I checked out two days earlier and ate the cost, and we found a more decent hotel near shopping... This is a good location for senior citizens. Has a lot of potential if the owner would do some upgrades...sorry I won't be back.

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