Emerald Medical Centre w Saint Ann's Bay

JamaicaEmerald Medical Centre



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1, Church Crescent, Saint Ann's Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-972-0000
strona internetowej: www.facebook.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4365608, Longitude: -77.2041301

komentarze 5

  • Sangee Orrett

    Sangee Orrett


    Excellent service... I urgently needed a MD so I randomly searched for doctors in the area. I read the reviews, and even though I could’ve chosen otherwise, I decided to call and find out what time the doctor would be in office. I was told about 2:30-3pm, however they took my information and as soon as the doctor arrived (2pm), they gave me a call. Persons were there before me so I waited until it was my time and I did not regret it. Dr. Matthews was nice and welcoming. I felt comfortable and was able to fully explain what I was experiencing. It was timely and well done. Besides, it was affordable 😉. I would recommend Emerald Medical Centre to anyone.

  • Yanique Leslie

    Yanique Leslie


    Not very professional. I went there because my son was sick and was told the doctor won’t be back until 2-3pm. I ended up leaving because a friend told me I can just speak with a pharmacist about the matter. I did however leave my name to do the covid test. I was told to come in the morning for the test. Got there at 10am and was ignore by a worker on her phone. After 5 minutes, I had to interrupt her phone call and was told I would have to wait until afternoon for the doctor to come in. Asked her if she can find out a specific time because I had other errands to take care of BUT was told she don’t have any way to contact the doctor. I was not about to wait for hours. I ended up having to leave and go somewhere else. Personally, they shouldn’t open in the morning, if the doctor isn’t going to be available. Wasted money and time to get there.

  • pashana watson

    pashana watson


    Dr Matthews is a great doctor. She is jovial and ensures that you are comfortable.😊😊😊😊

  • Honey dipper London

    Honey dipper London


    Absolutely saved my life. As a visitor to the island - I was worried about the cost of seeing a doctor while I was in Jamaica. I was staying at Luxury Grand Bahia and was told the on site doctor is $50 just to see you. I knew I would need treatment so I decided to look out of the resort and my god how happy am I? They detected I had an infection, the receptionist even went to the pharmacy to get me some hydration salts. I was charged $10 usd to be seen, be diagnosed and have 4 prescriptions written for me. Such a lovely place, if your on vacation and get sick, please just come here don’t allow hotel doctors to scam you.




    I never got a check up but the way I see them treat the patient as if they are a family

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