City Smiles Dentistry w Montego Bay

JamaicaCity Smiles Dentistry



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Lot #2, Tate Street, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-470-1107
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4683331, Longitude: -77.9164838

komentarze 5

  • Trevesa Lawrence

    Trevesa Lawrence


    Entire staff is pleasant, wonderful and professional

  • Annalece Barnett

    Annalece Barnett


    I did a wisdom tooth extraction and trust me Dr. Peterkin was great trust me it was painless and I had a fear of going to the dentist and that fear is no more. BIG UP CITY SMILES STAFF.

  • Rae A

    Rae A


    So I made an appointment for my parent who doesn't live in Ja to see the dentist and we changed our minds instantly and went else where. The young lady working at the front desk needs a course on customer service. I informed her the building needs more signs because on approaching it literally looks abandoned....all now she has acknowledged what was said, nothing. I am sure the dentist is quite capable but I will not recommend him/her just because of the poor customer service

  • Sharlene Jones- Brown

    Sharlene Jones- Brown


    It's was awesome place nice and clean.. they did a great job in my mouth.. they took thier time .. am satisfied

  • Kerah T

    Kerah T


    A pleasant experience, really. Service was prompt and pleasant. A really clean and small office but adequately staffed. Did a follow-up for 2 extractions. Scheduling was a bit tedious, as it relates to coordinating a time, but the procedure was painless and quick. In and out in about an hour for 2 extractions - that's amazing. They followed up and the receptionist is great. She communicated openly and was pleasant. Dentist is pretty chill too. Definitely recommend them.

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