Islandsmiles ORTHODONTICS w Montego Bay

JamaicaIslandsmiles ORTHODONTICS


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Unit 18 Southern Cross Business Circle , Alice Eldemire Drive, Freeport, Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-953-6757
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Latitude: 18.4584498, Longitude: -77.9314672

komentarze 5

  • Kamara Fowler

    Kamara Fowler


    Simply the best from the initial consultation to the installation superb service. From Dr. Allen at the consultation to Dr. Meeks doing the installation and the young lady who prep and completed the brackets made my daughter Issia feel so comfortable. She expressed how bitter sweet was for her, thinking it wouldn't look good on her but she loved it. Also how Dr. Meeks made her feel special. Spectacular job by the team. Even calling the morning after to check in on Issia. I would recommend this place time and time again to anyone looking to do orthodontic treatment.

  • Mikaela Monroe (Mikkey M.)

    Mikaela Monroe (Mikkey M.)


    Islandsmiles has been providing good service. Customer service has been good so far. Collette provided good service and it wasn’t uncomfortable for me during this process. I am also noticing changes in my smile so far. Very grateful.

  • Rochelle Green

    Rochelle Green


    From the second you walk in to the moment you walk out, you are exposed to a friendly and professional staff who genuinely worked around your comfort to provide the best service needed. Hands down to the most nicest friendliest and efficient staff at Islandsmiles Shamoy you always goes above and beyond for me to get as comfortable as possible thanks for your service.

  • Andrea Nugent

    Andrea Nugent


    It was a kind of a bitter sweet moment at Islandsmiles, from the front desk to the technician not to mention the doctors they are awesome. Special shoutout to Margaret she treats me like her baby and always trusting in the Lord to work it out for her. I will always recommend someone else here. My Smile is Awesome.

  • Natalie Neita

    Natalie Neita


    Islandsmiles is undoubtedly the best place to achieve the perfect smile..... I'm trying to find the right adjective so as not to sound too cliche but I just have to say it as is..... THE BEST..... I did my research before I started my journey and it turned out that Islandsmiles was and STILL IS in a class to itself..... none to compare.... I realised I had no options so ofcourse I booked my appointment at the branch in Mobay........ My first visit was just to do an examination..... I had absolutely no plans to install braces on that day..... Infact I thought the price would have been way above my budget so in my mind, my journey would pause for a while after examination.... Islandsmiles planted a permanent smile on my face from that day.....I went home in my braces that very same day... I realised the payment plan was quite flexible and reasonable..... For anyone who wants to take on this journey, BRACE yourself for superior quality and high definition service..... The environment has a welcoming energy and once you walk through the doors, you become family... The customer service at Islandsmiles makes the experience more enjoyable and the staff is always ready and waiting to assist with any concerns. Dr. Meeks and Dr. Allen have a complete mix of competent and pleasant professionals.. I started my journey in 2018 and to date, I'm totally satisfied with my orthodontic treatment......

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