Oasis Dental w Montego Bay

JamaicaOasis Dental



🕗 godziny otwarcia

F3FG+5HG, Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-952-9329
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.472929, Longitude: -77.9235334

komentarze 5

  • Avagaye Willis

    Avagaye Willis


    Went there to do my cleaning the best place ever

  • Lanell Lindo

    Lanell Lindo


    Ten thousand dollars to pull one single teeth and there was no communication of that amount before the surgery if I did not think about it I would be embarrassed when I was supposed to pay the teeth was extracted ok 👍 my reason for the two stars is the customer service I received lack of proper communication

  • hyacinth baker

    hyacinth baker


    I got an extraction done at oasis dental, montego bay two weeks ago and I must say it is one of the best experience I've had in a dentist chair, i would lie there and have Dr Wisdom extract all my teeth, the staff is friendly and patient. I had no problem whatsoever after the extraction.will definitely be going back.

  • slick streetz (birdolquill)

    slick streetz (birdolquill)


    I had the best dental experience at this place and i have been to a few dentist in my lifetime the dentist was very professional and equip. Did an extraction of a root that had been left in the back of my head from another dentist about a year ago and oasis dental had to surgically remove it and i must say it was the most painless experience ever. Would recommend this pace to any and everyone that wants to go to the dentist 💯👍🏼

  • Denese Patterson

    Denese Patterson


    Good customer service but they are expensive/ liars/thieves. They lower you in with a an average fee but gives you a big at the end. For example I clean my teeth every 6 months. I didn't clean my teeth there for 3 years. I got a big bill. Why I asked. You haven't cleaned your teeth in 3 years. I asked them to call the dental place I last attended to verify I cleaned my teeth 6 months ago. They didn't. I asked to speak with the doctor who initially told me my teeth are in great condition. She now said, I had a lot of build up on my teeth she just didn't tell me about. How can a person who loves keeping a clean mouth and be afraid of cavities, get a professional clean every 6 months and have build up? I would have preferred, I was told that the price to clean teeth was $ 10 and up than to say it is $ 5 and up, charging everyone $12 and up. knowing very well your charge is really $12 up. On top of that they explained, "the money not coming from your pocket, its coming from your health card". Oh so you are robbing the insurance company, not me. I only paid to keep my professional reputation. Wish I didn't.

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