No Limits Dental Suite w Montego Bay

JamaicaNo Limits Dental Suite



🕗 godziny otwarcia

18, Humber Avenue, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-303-6952
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4711704, Longitude: -77.9161827

komentarze 5

  • Jeromie Tennyson

    Jeromie Tennyson


    Staff at this Dental office is Super excellent , top class customer service and the service was extremely I recommended this place if you want value for your money and its affordable

  • Montserrat Sanchez

    Montserrat Sanchez


    Very bad service, I paid more than $900 usd to fix a tooth that he said would last many years and only lasted 2 months, my mouth was infected from the bad work he did, he never wanted to treat me again, nor take responsibility,

  • Lisa Dillon

    Lisa Dillon


    DISCLAIMER: Dis is not a paid announcement/review: On December 4, I visited NO LIMITS DENTAL SUITE for the first time. The day before I had called to somehow assess if “mi spirit tek dem” and I spoke with Ms Drummond (aka di best receptionist ever). She was very welcoming and made me feel at ease. Suffice it to say - mi spirit tek har so I made an appointment. Honestly, mi an dentist do not ‘gree because of some bad experiences I had before. And also….mi kinda ‘fraid a needle. Nevertheless, I arrived for my appointment and was warmly greeted by Ms Drummond, who is also the esteemed Dental assistant. Then I was examined by Ms Trishawna, the Dental Hygienist. She was gentle yet thorough and yes mi spirit tek har to. So far, everybody nice, place clean like whistle, mi was feeling good and relaxed. Den mi meet….Dr Jaggon,… aka ‘Di teeth whisperah.’ WOW!!! She brought my experience to a whole nadda level. She impressive bad. Not only is she an excellent dentist but a wonderful person to be around. God bless unno and big up unno self, No Limit Dental. You exceeded my expectations. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger said in TERMINATOR, “I SHALL RETURN!!!”

  • Princess Mia

    Princess Mia


    OMG.. Best dental services.. The staff is nice and welcoming and the dentist she is so lovely. I pull a tooth and I did not notice the tooth came out because I did not feel any pain.. Thank you so much No Limits Dental Suite👌👌👌👌👌👌🤗

  • Lil Prissy

    Lil Prissy


    Did my wisdom teeth extraction and it's a week later and I haven't felt any pain out of the ordinary. Other than tender jaw and gum I'm fine. This was a surgery by the way. The ladies were very friendly and I felt comfortable throughout the entire process. The dental surgeon explained the entire process from the beginning and I had no questions. Flawless experience.

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