Dr. Vernon Gardiner D.M.D. Dental Surgeon w Montego Bay

JamaicaDr. Vernon Gardiner D.M.D. Dental Surgeon



🕗 godziny otwarcia

92, Barnett Street, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-952-7523
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4674602, Longitude: -77.9179164

komentarze 5

  • Anneca Gordon

    Anneca Gordon


    From entering the dental office to leaving the service was top tier. I had a fear for dentist and I needed an extraction and God lead me to this place. I’m so thankful that I found and chose this dental office. Dr Vernon Gardiner was gentle and I never felt any pain to the point where I was wondering if it’s really over. Thank you Dr and I’m recommending your office to anyone and everyone who requires/needs dental assistance. Last but not least big up the receptionist for displaying great customer service well done.

  • Denesha Hall

    Denesha Hall


    Just want to say thank you thank you thank you. I have always had a fear for dentists especially because I am afraid of needles. I had a tooth extraction done here and let me tell you it was the best experience ever. I am so glad I had went there. I had no pain even after the extraction. If your ever looking for a good dentist in Montego Bay this is the place to go.

  • Chevanese Tulloch

    Chevanese Tulloch


    There are no words to describe how satisfied I am with my experience today. I had an extraction done, and I'm absolutely terrified of dentists based on my most recent experience with another dentist, where I had to visit him three times to resolve the same problem....long story....Anyways! Dr. Gardiner, you were amazing, professional, and time efficient and not to mention cost effective😍🤗...Hello!....lol...I truly appreciate you taking the time out to make my day a toothless and painless one ...lol Keep doing what you're doing and God bless you🙏🏾

  • Tashieka Clarke

    Tashieka Clarke


    Took me months to make an appointment but after this one it is taking me weeks to make another am no longer scared.Had an extraction but was super scared to have it done but Dr Gardiner took care of it with ease. The procedure was pain-free and relaxing.I loved every minute I was there and is looking forward to going bk. The nurse being my 1st point of contact made me feel like family yep I found the dentist that's for me.

  • Raschelle Lewis

    Raschelle Lewis


    Excellent service!!! with a relaxing environment. Walked in for a wisdom tooth extraction and it was done quickly and pain free. Dr. Gardiner was extremely gentle during this procedure. My fears of extractions have melted away with this one visit. His Dental Nurse was so pleasant and this also contributed to an even more comfortable dental visit. Finally found a Dentist I can trust. Already made my appointment for a cleaning :-)

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